Mow Trim Blow | Weed Control | Great Lawn Care Prices | Excellent Lawn Mowing Services | We Mow Lawns | Enjoy Lawn Care Savings with Lawn Link$
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We apply a weed control product during our normal fertilization application cycle. The application is either a "weed and feed" or "pre-emergent" product depending on the season. You save on weed control services with us because we apply the product during one of our routine visits, saving the costs of making a special visit to your property. Weed control is included with our fertilization service. Pricing is based upon the total square footage of your grassy areas and is only available to our regular mowing clients. Our service using proper mowing heights helps eliminate crabgrass and controls these common weeds.

Weed Control

We are actively involved in the local community and have a special grounds maintenance program for community organizations such as schools, athletic clubs and churches. Please forward this information to your organization so they can save thousands!


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