Mow Trim Blow | Charitable School and Church Barter Program | Great Lawn Care Prices | Excellent Lawn Mowing Services | We Mow Lawns | Enjoy Lawn Care Savings with Lawn Link$
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We strive to be involved in each of our local communities and have developed extraordinary fund raising programs for community organizations such as schools, athletic clubs and churches. Our charitable grounds maintenance program allows most organizations to completely eliminate their grounds maintenance costs!

Lawn Care Gift Card
How does it work? You notify your membership that they may purchase our $100 lawn care card for $75 or a $50 card for $40. The card may be used for any of our services. We then match one hundred percent of the amount of cards purchased and place a credit on account to be used towards your organization's grounds maintenance needs.

Mow and Go
It's Smart! With a single email blast, an average church with 750 members can easily earn more than twenty-thousand dollars each year. Not only will your group enjoy huge savings which can be used towards more important programs, your grounds will look beautiful with no effort on your part. Team with Mow Trim Blow and save.

Mow Trim Blow Wide Area Mower
What's the catch? In exchange for your organization saving thousands of dollars in grounds maintenance, we only ask that you occassionally mention our company in your publications. Essentially, a barter for in house advertising! Continue being a smart steward of your organization's finances and contact us for more information.

Mow Trim Blow Wide Area Mower
How can we afford to offer this program? First, we have a regular budget for charitable community causes. Second, we think bartering for sponsorship ads is a great way to reach new residential customers. Finally, we use mowers that cut six feet wide or more which allows us to save a lot of time versus our competitors. Let us know you want to arrange a meeting.

Mow Trim Blow Wide Area Spreader
Your savings are not limited to mowing services. We realize that many community organizations typically do not have room in their budgets for "extra" services such as fertilization and weed control. Now, with your savings on regular grounds maintenance, you can afford to invest in the products that help the overall health and appearance of your grounds! Contact us now to help your organization enjoy huge savings.


Chesapeake | Hampton | Newport News | Norfolk | Suffolk | Williamsburg | Virginia Beach


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